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Art marketing training Spain

Eleven young European artists from Croatia, Finland, Romania, Slovenia, and Spain took part in an art marketing training course at the Catholic University of Murcia from 6 to 8 September as part of the international Refresh+ project, which culminated in this course.

The main objective was to contribute to the marketing training of young artists, enabling them to build a personal brand image and disseminate their work to become cultural references. 

The artist's career is a task that is determined by the acquisition of business knowledge dedicated to the promotion of his or her profile and the dissemination of his or her work. This course aimed to train the artist in basic aspects of marketing through a proposal on the value of their brand and their artistic works. The knowledge offered in this training at UCAM was designed to give new ideas to emerging artists at a professional level with the primary objective of helping them to function in modern society, guiding them through the basic marketing techniques they need to know, and achieving a positive attitude towards business. 

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