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Refresh Heritage Weeks

The REFRESH HERITAGE WEEKs include a variety of target groups in creative processes and exploration of the cultural heritage and related events. Eight RHWs were organized as a series of four events in 2018 and 2019, one in each participating country.
All RHWs follow the same management concept but differ in the setting and the cultural expression. As a basis, each country has selected the heritage sites and accompanying events that will be upgraded with new contents.


The RHWs include:

  • Getting together, meet each other and the Art director, familiarising with the cultural heritage site and local community

  • Creativity process, including interaction with local audiences, of which 1 interaction with local youth is a must.

  • Presentation of final art work and reflecting farewell event.

The project partners in cooperation with the Art Directors and other experts define common horizontal topics to be explored and propose art disciplines to be applied for an individual RHW. In 2018, the theme supports the European Year of Cultural Heritage, however set broadly enough to allow the participants the creative freedom and expression. The reflection upon the diversity of the cultural heritage and shared understanding of the place is encouraged. All RHWs implies a team of different artists working together in a short period of time to create a performance, exhibition, installation, or other content inspired by the heritage.
Young artists’ teams (composed of min. 6 persons from partner countries and different numbers of local artists) are supported by Art Directors. In their creative process, the artists are exploring within different arts, performing, visual and other or their combination. 
The teams work in close interaction with local audience in the development of new contents or their co-creation. 
As an accompanying activity, the students, residents, artists are invited to create a video in relation to the RHW or the cultural heritage and related events being the subject of exploration.


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

© 2018 by Refresh project

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Our heritage: where the past meets the future
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